Maritime transport Global seaborne trade rose by 4% in volume terms in 2017 according to UNCTAD, the fastest growth rate in five years. Expansion was largely driven by increased industrial production in emerging markets, which account for 60% of shipped exports. Rising trade was accompanied by 3.3% increase in maritime-fleet capacity. UNCTED thinks the prospects are bright, too. Autonomous ships could boost efficiency in the industry, though job losses and cyber-security concerns may slow adoption of the technology. Despite tensions between American and China, seaborne trade is forecast to rise by another 4% in 2018, and then by 3.8% annually until 2023. World GDP The world economy grew by 3.56% in the second quarter of 2018 compared with a year earlier, according to our estimates. That is almost exactly the same as the 3.57% expansion rate observed in the first quarter. Trends vary between regions: growth rates continue to rise in America and India, but are leveli...